28 January 2023 - Edition #25
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Family History Zone Update

The Week on FamilyHistory.Zone

Unpublished pictures of Princess Diana up for auction

An album of previously unpublished photographs of Princess Diana launching the HMS Cornwall is set to be auctioned off later this year.
Princess Diana

January 2023 Appeal for Relatives of War Dead - Can You Help?

WW1 hospital with wounded soldiers and nurses
The Commonwealth War graves have listed more casualties from WW1 and WW2 for their latest appeal for relatives. Can you help?

2020 Census count question resolution operation - errata tables released

The U.S. Census Bureau on Monday released the first errata tables for the 2020 Census Count Question Resolution (CQR) operation.
Table on a wall

Identical men with same name decide to do a DNA test

Brady Feigl
Two baseball players decide to do a DNA after realising they not only share striking appearance similarities, but also the exact same name!

Finding lost treasure!

SMP Security have highlighted a list of lucky individuals who've found some historical lost treasure in the most unlikely of places.
brown wooden scissors on brown and white book

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