04 February 2023 - Edition #26
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Family History Zone Update

The Week on FamilyHistory.Zone

New DNA technology helped solve serial rape case

A relatively new DNA technology, forensic genetic genealogy, has played a crucial role in solving a serial rape case in Lexington, Kentucky.
grayscale photo of woman sitting on chair near window

Cycle ride brings history alive for families

grayscale photo of rigid mountain bike
This summer, more than 200 charity fundraisers will go back in time on a cycle ride trip with historical pit stops along the way.

Italian ancestors - An introductory guide to researching your Italian genealogy

This introductory guide introduces some of the main resources for research into your Italian ancestors alongside some top investigative tips.
Venice Italy

Discovering messages in a bottle

glass bottle at the seashore near sea water photo during golden hour
Discovering messages in a bottle is a truly exciting yet very rare occurrence. A roofer has recently been lucky enough to experience it.

Free Historical Records Update on FamilySearch: January 2023

FamilySearch expanded its free online archives in January 2023 with 26 million new, name-searchable genealogy records.
Family Search Logo

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