10 December 2022 - Edition #16
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Family History Zone Update

The Week on FamilyHistory.Zone

Appeal for Relatives by CWGC November 2022

The Commonwealth War Graves Commission is appealing for relatives to come forward for 46 deceased service personnel. Can you help?
War Graves Appeal For Relatives 2022

Investigative genetic genealogy centre launched

black swivel chair beside rectangular brown wooden desk
An investigative genetic genealogy centre (IGG) has recently been launched by Ramapo College of New Jersey.

Hampshire ancestry records available for free online

Hampshire Council has made 500 years of ancestry records available online – completely for free. The records date from the 14th Century.
red and white concrete building beside road during daytime

UK census results creates questions surrounding religious school assemblies

brown wooden table and chairs
Teachers in the UK have branded the legal requirement for religious assemblies “archaic” since the release of the UK census results.

Abducted child reunited after 51 years using ancestry website

Using the power of an ancestry website, Alta Apatenco has finally been reunited with her daughter, Melissa Highsmith.
woman and girl on field

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