04 March 2023 - Edition #30
Family History Zone Update
The Week on FamilyHistory.Zone
February 2023 Appeal for Relatives of War Dead - Can You Help?
The Commonwealth War graves have listed more casualties from WW1 and WW2 for their latest appeal for relatives. Can you help?
World War II Military servicemen identified
As of the end of February 2023, the US Defense Accounting agency has successfully identified another 7 US military servicemen.
The National Archives celebrates Women's History Month
The National Archives celebrates Women's History Month and International Women's Day with a number of upcoming special programs.
Free Historical Records Update on FamilySearch: February 2023
FamilySearch expanded its free online archives in February 2023 with loads of new name-searchable civil and church records from South Africa.
Family history can foster healthy sense of identity in American teens
Psychologists suggest that good family history knowledge helps teenagers to develop a healthy sense of identity.
Family History Resourses and Sites
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