15 April 2023 - Edition #36
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Family History Zone Update

The Week on FamilyHistory.Zone

The Role of Genealogy in Understanding Family Identity

This article delves into the significance of genealogy in understanding family identity, covering the potential of genetic testing and technology, cultural implications, and its role in promoting reconciliation and healing. Explore the future directions of genealogy research and the importance of celebrating diversity and inclusivity in the exploration of family history and cultural heritage.
Justus Gustavsson m.fam.

CEO of Geneanet steps down

CEO of Geneanet steps down
Jacques Le Marois, CEO of Geneanet, has decided to step down as President and CEO of the website after serving genealogists for many years.

How to use DNA testing to trace your ancestry

In this article, we will discuss how to use DNA testing to trace your ancestry. We will explore the different types of DNA tests available, the benefits and limitations of each test, and how to interpret your results.
person holding silver and black hand tool

FamilySearch record update for February 2023

FamilySearch record update for February 2023
FamilySearch has expanded its online archives for February 23 with over 309 million new, name-searchable genealogy records from 56 countries.

An Introduction to: Tracing Your Ancestry Through Church Records

Discover the value of church records in tracing your ancestry and learn how to effectively use these records, along with other resources, to uncover your family's history through a step-by-step guide.
Church Burial Record

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