In a recent video, Constance Knox, the beloved host of GenealogyTV, shared a concerning experience that served as a wake-up call for her YouTube-based genealogy education business.

On a Friday morning, Constance woke up to an alarming email from YouTube stating that her smaller channel, NC Ancestry, had been taken down due to alleged violations of spam and deceptive practices policies.

While NC Ancestry was not her primary channel, the incident highlighted the vulnerability of content creators who rely on platforms like YouTube for their livelihood. Constance expressed her relief that it wasn’t her main GenealogyTV channel, which is her full-time job and the largest independently-owned genealogy education channel on YouTube.

Fortunately, after appealing the decision, YouTube quickly reinstated the NC Ancestry channel, admitting they had made a mistake. However, this experience prompted Constance to consider backup plans and new ways to connect with her audience.

In response to this scare and to meet viewer requests, Constance announced the launch of a new YouTube channel called GenealogyTV 2. This channel will feature:

  1. Real-time, unedited research sessions
  2. A more casual, behind-the-scenes look at Constance’s genealogy work
  3. Slower-paced content for those who want to follow along closely
  4. A backup platform in case of future issues with the main channel

Constance emphasized that her primary GenealogyTV channel will continue to produce the high-quality, tightly edited content that viewers have come to expect. The new channel is an additional resource for those interested in watching her research process in real-time.

To ensure she can always communicate with her audience, Constance also encouraged viewers to:

  1. Subscribe to her email newsletter
  2. Join the GenealogyTV Facebook group
  3. Check her website for updates

This experience serves as a reminder to all content creators and small business owners about the importance of diversifying platforms and having backup plans. It also showcases Constance’s dedication to her audience and her ability to turn a challenging situation into an opportunity for growth and improved viewer experience.

As genealogy enthusiasts, we can look forward to more great content from Constance Knox across her various platforms, and perhaps pick up some new research tips by watching her work in real-time on GenealogyTV 2.

To look at the video detailing her concerning experience, click here.

Image Source:

  • Constance Knox: GenealogyTV Youtube Channel