New research sheds light on the remarkable impact of ‘photo therapy’ on children’s mental wellbeing, igniting a spark of excitement among family history and genealogy enthusiasts. An impressive 94% of parents are attuned to the magic woven by family photo albums, bringing joy to their children and fostering stronger family connections.

Commissioned by BackThen, a family photo journal app, and conducted by The Pulse Business, this research looks into the world of ‘photo therapy,’ an expressive arts therapy that employs photography to strengthen the bonds between parents and their children. Professor Geoffrey Beattie, a psychologist and seasoned broadcaster, emphasised the profound psychological power hidden within family portraiture.

Encouraging conversations and strengthening bonds

The heart of the matter lies in the power of photography to spark meaningful conversations and knit families together. An astonishing 94% of parents affirm that gathering around family photos helps them feel more connected, while 89% assert that it creates a greater sense of belonging for their children.

According to Professor Beattie,

Photo albums do seem to trigger a lot of conversations within the family, connecting them on a deeper, more intimate level.

Professor Geoffrey Beattie, Psychologist

Pete Triplow, Founder of BackThen, adds,

A timeline of photos builds a closer bond and brings cherished memories back to the present, enabling the whole family to remember, share, and feel closer.

Pete Triplow, Founder of BackThen

This isn’t just about photographs; it’s about embracing our shared history. A plethora of psychological and sociological studies have proven the positive impact on children’s mental wellbeing due to a strong sense of belonging within families, setting the stage for lifelong success.

Capturing smiles and memories

Ninety percent of respondents reported that their children smile or laugh when they browse through family photos, a delightful way to lift their spirits during challenging moments. Professor Beattie explains,

Looking at family photo albums fits into the most effective category of mood management, actively changing your pattern of thinking.

Pete Triplow notes that family photo albums provide context for a child’s life and surroundings, offering reassurance and comfort during difficult times. Numerous psychological studies support the profound impact of active mood management techniques, enhancing emotional resilience and overall psychological well-being.

Implanting and strengthening memories

Family photo albums serve as a cherished vessel for preserving and enhancing our treasured childhood memories. According to Professor Beattie, family photographs enhance the recollection of positive memories, aided by the smiles and expressions captured in each image.

Pete Triplow reminds us that family photographs can evoke various emotions and memories depending on our roles within the family, enriching and embedding these memories for a brighter future. By reviving these memories through photographs, we not only cherish our past but also strengthen our emotional well-being, acting as a buffer in challenging times.

In a world driven by digital transformation, preserving our family history through photographs and photo albums becomes even more important. As we celebrate and cherish our ancestral roots, the power of photography becomes abundantly clear, a legacy worth passing down through generations.

For family history and genealogy enthusiasts, it’s not just a photograph; it’s a window into the past, a thread connecting us to our ancestors. This research underscores the invaluable role family photo albums play in safeguarding our family’s heritage and nurturing our shared history.

Image Source:

  • Photo by Laura Fuhrman: instant images