Findmypast have updated multiple sets of existing record sets and published some new collections.
The new online records include Yorkshire, Lancashire, Huntingdonshire and lots of Wiltshire Records at Findmypast.

School Admissions Registers
If you have ancestors in Halifax, Yorkshire, then make sure to check out these new additions to our school registers.
The four schools these records cover are Portland Road’s Infant School between 1890-1904, Queens Road Boys Senior School 1904-1921, Queens Road Girls Senior School 1884-1921, and Queens Road Junior School 1896-1903, all in Halifax.
The transcripts of these records will contain information such as admission year, birth year, school name, and parents’ names, meaning you could discover more than one generation from one record alone.

Lancashire, Oldham Workhouse
This brand new collection sees over 150,000 records from the Oldham Workhouse in Lancashire. These records cover from 1867-1917, and include both admissions and discharges.

Huntingdonshire Marriages 1754-1837 Index
Though this collection was originally released as a browsable collection, Findmypast have now transcribed these records and released them as a fully searchable index for the first time ever.
These records will give you the full names of both spouses, the year of marriage, and sometimes extra details, such as occupation or whether they were previously widowed.

Wiltshire Baptisms
Findmypast added nearly 70,000 new records to this collection, perfect to start your ancestor’s journey.
These records come from nine parishes across Wiltshire, and span the years 1538-1855.
These records can help you trace ancestors back across multiple generations. As well as name, birth year, and baptism year, you’ll also find both the mother’s and the father’s name.

Wiltshire Asylum Registers, 1789-1921
These new registers cover eight institutions across Wiltshire. However, these institutions also accepted patients that had previously resided in the wider South West and even London.
There are 27,761 records in this collection. Though details vary record to record, they’ll give you information like month and year of admission, institution name, and marriage condition. You may also find notes on discharge, and ‘state’ on arrival – private, pauper, criminal, etc.
The earlier records in this collection are from private asylums around the county. In 1851, however, the Wiltshire County Asylum was opened under the 1845 County Asylums Act. This became the main facility for treating those who were deemed mentally unwell.

Wiltshire WW1 Hospital Records
These records cover three hospitals in Wiltshire – the Old Sarum Isolation Hospital, the Harnham Red Cross Hospital, and the Salisbury Infirmary. In some cases, personnel were admitted while waiting to be deployed on the Salisbury Plain.
ese records will offer rich detail on your military ancestors, including rank, service number, unit, and details of injury. In many cases, where service records did not survive, these may be the only remaining details of your relative’s time in the army. All branches of service are featured, though there is a predominance of British Army and Royal Air Force records.
You can also discover records from the Commonwealth, including the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps.

Wiltshire Tithe Award Register 1813-1882
Tithes were small taxes paid by residents to their local church. Tithe surveys were designed to identify the owners of land and conclude who should pay what and to which church. You can find extensive information on parish tithes within the four-page document attached to each record, provided by Wiltshire Family History Society.
As these records documented land and property owners, you’ll find information such as the description of the property your ancestor owned, including its size and land-use. This can help you build a stronger picture of your ancestor’s financial situation, and also come in useful for one-place studies or local history.
With over 250,000 records in this collection, it’s the largest release of the week.